Updated iPad Apps

EdWare released minor updates to our award winning iPad apps for learning the geography of Ireland, Europe and the United States. The updates fix some bugs and performance improvements for iOS 10/11.

Know Your USA for iPad

Today the latest version of Know Your USA for iPad went live on the Apple App Store, we have added some new features and tweaked our app too.

  • Lakes, you can now study and quiz the lakes of the USA.
  • Tweet your highest score to Twitter #KnowYourUSA
  • Explore section is the new name for our Atlas.
  • Minor improvements too.

Editor’s Choice Award for Know Your USA for iPad

Know Your USA for iPad was reviewed in the February 2013 issue of Children’s Technology Review and received the Editor’s Choice Seal.

Children’s Technology Review – Editor’s Choice Seal for Know Your USA for iPad

We are delighted with this reward, to purchase Know Your USA for iPad, visit the App Store.

About CTR:
Children’s Technology Review (CTR) is an ad-free, subscriber-supported web and print-based publication. It is designed to keep educators, parents and librarians informed on commercial interactive media products designed for children, aged birth- to 15-years. These are the products that children use for both fun and learning, either at home and/or at school. They include software, video games, interactive toys, web sites that a child might visit, and so on. From a theoretical perspective, CTR exists in the space between child development and interactive media. The Children’s Software Finder(TM), our database of more than 8,000 reviews, has become a critical step in our core subscribers’ purchasing-making decisions. It is published on the first business day of each month.

Know Your USA – Ten For Tuesday

I am delighted to announce that Know Your USA for iPad was featured in the Ten For Tuesday section of The iPhone Mom website, visit their website to see what they had to say about Know Your USA and look at the other apps they have featured.

Know Your USA for iPad - Ten For Tuesday - The iPhone Mom
Know Your USA in the Ten For Tuesday

Know Your USA is great for learning all about the geography of the United States of America. Learn the states, state capitals, major cities, mountains and rivers of the United States. Test your knowledge or challenge a friend with the timed quiz of each topic. Want to brush up on your US knowledge, visit the Atlas section to view maps of the US states, the state flags and quick facts on each feature.

Available on the App Store

Know Your USA for iPad

Know Your USA for iPad

Know Your USA for iPad

EdWare is delighted to announce that Know Your USA is now available for the iPad, just in time for Thanksgiving. To purchase Know Your USA visit the Apple App Store in iTunes or on your iPad, click here for link.

Know Your USA is great for learning all about the geography of the United States of America. Learn the states, state capitals, major cities, mountains and rivers of the United States. Test your knowledge or challenge a friend with the timed quiz of each topic. Want to brush up on your US knowledge, visit the Atlas section to view maps of the US states, the state flags and quick facts on each feature.


  • A quiz to test your knowledge of US States, State Capitals, Major Cities, Mountains and Rivers.
  • An atlas to look up each feature.
  • A high quality map of each State.
  • Information on each feature.
  • Audio narration of each feature.
  • Game Center support.
  • Retina Display support.
  • And much more.

If you like the app, please rate it on the App Store. If you have any suggestions please drop me an email at info@edware.ie

Thanks, Luke

Know Your Europe Added to AWE’s Digital Learning Solutions V9

EdWare’s award winning geography software Know Your USA has been added to AWE’s Early Literacy Station digital learning solution for V9 of the product. This increases the audience for our products and we are delighted to be partnered with AWE.

Know Your USA and Know Your Europe have been included with AWE’s AfterSchool Edge digital learning solution since V8 released in 2011.

Learn more about the AWE AfterSchool Edge product.

President Obama to Visit Ireland

President Obama is visiting Ireland at the end of May and we have put together a quick worksheet to use in the classroom in preparation for his visit, printable PDF.

USA Obama Worksheet 2011

As a special offer we have reduced Know Your USA to €99.95 inc VAT (Offer Over) for the month of May 2011 only. This offer is only available direct from EdWare, so call today for further details and to order – 086 1794731.

Know Your USA is our award winning software designed to help users expand their knowledge of the United States. Each geographic feature of the United States is covered in detail including regions, states, state capitals, major cities, rivers, mountains, lakes and national parks.

Know Your USA 1.6

Update of Know Your USA, version 1.6 is now available. This is a free to all current users. There are a few minor and major improvements and features:

  • Printable state fact files, you can now print state information including a high quality map of each state, great for class projects.
  • View state maps from the Capitals study area, so you can see where the capital is in the state.
  • Further web links, you can easily disable web links to Wikipedia, but you can now use Encarta, Lonely Planet links too, offering greater access to online content.
  • Updated content and more information on each feature.
  • State maps are now larger and can be expanded to full screen and include further state information.
  • School Editions also have a new Interactive White Board state map feature, allowing you to flick through layers of detail on each state map, and provides drawing tools too.
  • Each state flag can now be enlarged to full screen.
  • New map of New York City, and updated Washington DC map.
  • Even more photos added, we have close to a hundred photos now included with Know Your USA.
  • Minor bug fixes including support for dual screen displays.
  • Improved Windows Vista and Windows 7 support, works great with Windows 7.

Early next month Know Your Europe 2.1 will be available, follow us on twitter at @edwarelearning for the latest updates and educational news.

EdWare Software Reviews – Anseo.net

Know Your Europe, Know Your USA and Know Your World were reviewed this week at anseo.net today, and it’s another great review from anseo.net. Our software was again awarded their “Top of the Class” award and I am very pleased with the feedback, thanks again Simon.

“Know Your Ireland is in my opinion the definitive solution for any teacher teaching Geography classes. There is nothing else out there that looks better, works better or teaches better. There are a number of other solutions out there but I think this is the very best.

I would echo these sentiments in all three other products. Another worthy “Top of the Class” award.” anseo.net – 12 May, 2009.

To read the full review visit the anseo.net website:

What is anseo.net?
Anseo.net has grown from humble beginnings as a basic blog to a fully-featured magazine-style web site. The basic premise of Anseo.net is opinion. The authors, all practicing primary school teachers, write about things in education that they are passionate about.”