Editor’s Choice Award for Know Your USA for iPad

Know Your USA for iPad was reviewed in the February 2013 issue of Children’s Technology Review and received the Editor’s Choice Seal.

Children’s Technology Review – Editor’s Choice Seal for Know Your USA for iPad

We are delighted with this reward, to purchase Know Your USA for iPad, visit the App Store.

About CTR:
Children’s Technology Review (CTR) is an ad-free, subscriber-supported web and print-based publication. It is designed to keep educators, parents and librarians informed on commercial interactive media products designed for children, aged birth- to 15-years. These are the products that children use for both fun and learning, either at home and/or at school. They include software, video games, interactive toys, web sites that a child might visit, and so on. From a theoretical perspective, CTR exists in the space between child development and interactive media. The Children’s Software Finder(TM), our database of more than 8,000 reviews, has become a critical step in our core subscribers’ purchasing-making decisions. It is published on the first business day of each month.