CTR: Editor’s Choice Award

Know Your USA was awarded the highly respected Editor’s Choice for the month of July by the Children’s Technology Review magazine. We our honored to receive such an award from one of the most respected educational review magazines in the world.

Review from the July issue:
It provides a straightforward and effective way to practice geography facts by way of a series of lessons and timed quizzes. For example, in the State Capitals section, students can explore the answers by simply rolling the mouse around the screen which, it turn, pops-up the name of each state’s capitol city. In the Quickfire quiz, a capital is named, and students must select the right answer. Unfortunately, the interaction is clunky–students must click “OK” to continue to the next question, which gets repetitive.

The next step is Exam, where they must type the name of the capital. Individual student progress is stored on your hard drive, providing students sign in. There is no use limit as to the number of students, making this a viable consideration for elementary or middle school classroom use.

Other topics include regions, states, state capitals, major cities, rivers, mountains and lakes. There is also a states jigsaw puzzle. If you are looking for clean, affordable geography practice, this is a good choice. Note that the developer’s previous titles include Know Your Ireland and Know Your Europe. A “Know Your Earth” is planned. You can download a seven-day trial version, and purchase a download key if you like the program.

Know Your USA was awarded 4.4 stars out of 5 stars.

Know Your USA – Editor’s Choice Award July 2006